Our Expertise
Specializing in state-of-the-art antennas for safe global air navigation, surveillance, and landing
dB Systems is an industry-leading certified small business that designs, tests, and manufactures high-quality, fully-compliant, low-cost antennas used in terminal aircraft navigation and landing.
The beginning
dB Systems was built on many years of experience in the world of NAVAIDs extending back to the 1950s when the original TACAN antenna patent assignee, Sidney Pickles (mentor of D. Bryce Thornberg, dB Systems’ co-founder) worked at ITT New Jersey. The dBs team is well versed in NAVAIDS product lifecycle: from the development of a system to the development of its replacement. In the 1970s, Dean Thornberg, dBs co-founder, was the project lead for the original TRN-41 system, the same key people performed the 1980s TRN-41 upgrade of an all band antenna and azimuth monitor to the proven system that has served the USAF faithfully for more than 34 years. dBs is also the designer and sole producer of the 950ET TACAN Antenna – the electronically scanned state-of-the-art TACAN Antenna used in the AN/TRN-47(V)2 Airfield Mobile Tactical Air Navigation (AMTAC). The dBs solution leverages an intimate understanding of the TRN-41 and the 950ET system, its upgrades, benefits, and limitations, plus cutting-edge scanning technology.
dBs is currently under contract for TACAN related services or deliverables with the USAF, USN, and USMC. The company stays at the forefront of technology and is always designing the next generation of products. As designers and manufacturers of a complete line up of TACAN antennas, including:
-Tall Aperture Fixed Base TACAN Antennas: FA-10369, 900A, 900B, 900E
-Medium Aperture Fixed Base TACAN Antennas: 950E
-Lightweight Rugged Mobile TACAN Antennas: TRN-26, SRN-15A, JTP700, 950ET
-Man-portable TACAN Antennas: AS-3132/T, AS-4502/T, 710, 710E
-Shipboard TACAN Antennas: AS-2394/TRN-26, SRN-15, AS-3240(A), AS-4802/URN, AS-4821/URN
-15 Hz Only TACAN Antennas: AN/TRN-22, 715E, 760E
-dBs is fully capable and uniquely suited to provide support for refurbishment to A condition.
Our Qualifications
As dBs is the manufacturer of the TACAN Antenna in the USAF’s TRN-41 TACAN System, the US Marines’ AN/TRN-47(V)2 Airfield Mobile Tactical Air Navigation (AMTAC), and the USAF’s Fixed Base TACAN Antenna system, we are qualified and experienced providing top-tier quality service. We have all the necessary equipment and/or vendors at our disposal to provide exemplary work and quick turn-around.
dB Systems currently overhauls, repairs, tests, and certifies for use TACAN antennas for the DoD. Specific areas of interest may include: Navy, SPAWAR San Diego, AS-3240(A) shipboard TACAN antennas; USMC TRN-41 man-portable TACAN antenna AS-4502/T antennas; and dBs 950ET Mobile TACAN antenna. dB Systems is qualified for all repair, overhaul, and refurbishment work on these antenna systems. In some of the cases mentioned, dBs is the only qualified repair authority. Additionally, dB Systems Anechoic Chamber and Free Space RF Test Range allow dBs to RF Test each TACAN Antenna, ensuring all TACAN Antennas meet or exceed their specifications prior to shipment to the customer.
dBs has a rigorous and constant system Engineering Change Proposal and upgrade policy. dBs stays at the forefront of the TACAN technology by maintaining a consistent and continual New Antenna Product development and Current Antenna Product upgrade system. dBs is committed to keeping our systems up to date as technology develops. We are directly connected to our customers at periodic and frequent intervals, in addition to an encouraged open communication policy. Our customers’ needs are important. If it can be done, we can and will always find a way to outfit the system with the features our customers require or request.
Committed to innovation
dBs is intimately familiar with the fundamentals of TACAN principles. We are and will continue to be a leader in legacy, current, and future technologies for support of TACAN in the NAS.

Read Bio
D. Bryce Thornberg
Co-Founder & Chief Scientist

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Halley Thornberg
President & CEO

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Luke Thornberg
Vice President & COO

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Jared Hummel
Director, Engineering

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Kennedy Winsness
Director, Quality & Administration

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Spencer Southworth
Manager, Glide Slope Product Line

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Jared Behunin
Manager, TACAN Tall Aperture Product Line

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Andre Rennert
Manager, TACAN Short Aperture Product Line

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J. Russell Ivey
Manager, Phased Array Product Line