950E ESCAN All-Band TACAN Antenna
Part Number: 951300-10X
- Unique modulation technique provides unusually high efficiency
- Vertical gain pattern (typically > 8 dBi) optimized for distant aircraft
- Solid .100” E-Glass Radome
- Innovative mechanical design supports easy field maintenance
- COTS FAA flight-tested technology
The 950E electronically scanned TACAN antenna is a state-of-the-art design that features high efficiency (low internal RF loss), high gain at low elevation angles, and very low gain below the horizon, resulting in exceptional coverage performance at sites with long cable runs or difficult terrain.
Designed as a smaller Fixed Based version of the dBs 900E (the FAA flight-tested antenna chosen by the United States Air Force to replace the existing 120 USAF TACAN installations worldwide), the dBs 950E offers many of the advantages of a tall aperture antenna in a smaller, lighter weight package. The 950E TACAN Antenna offers improved reliability, ease of field maintenance, and requires substantially less power to operate than previous TACAN Antennas. In addition, the dBs 950E is an all-frequency antenna, meaning the dBs 950E operates on all DME/TACAN channels without tuning or adjustment.
Built-in Test (BIT) assures the user that all antenna electronics are fully functional (which by itself is an excellent indicator of the overall RF pattern health of the antenna). The 950E antenna has been sold to various international customers as Fixed Base installations.
What our Clients say:
“The TACAN antenna has proved to be very reliable under quite different conditions.” – Norwegian Defence Material Agency.
dB Systems Inc. offers TACAN repair and TACAN refurbishment at our facility. Contact us for a quote.
- 950E being installed
- Hummelfjell 1541 meter ASL
- Mosjøen 677 meter ASL
- 950E installation site
- Sola 9 meter ASL