UAS Antenna – 5 GHz Uni-Directional Antenna – dBs 5000-D – Command and Control of Drones
Part Number: 500030-101
The dBs 5000-D is an uni-directional broadband, 10 element, high performance, collinear dipole phased array designed specifically for use as a 5 GHz ground uplink antenna. It exhibits low side lobe levels and negative angle radiation (minimizes multipath). The above-the-horizon null-filled pattern minimizes the radiated cone of silence. The antenna handles input power to 10 watts and operates over its entire frequency range with an input VSWR at 50 Ω of less than 2.5:1.
dB Systems Inc. offers UAS repair and UAS refurbishment at our facility. Contact us for a quotation.
- dBs 5000-D
- dBs 5000-D
- dBs 5000-D (Side View)